Monday, March 10, 2014

Welcome to Wellspring of Health - Your Online Resource for Natural Health News and Information

Welcome to Wellspring of Health!

Hello, and welcome to my first post on Wellspring of Health - a new blog I created to share some of my own personal insights gained from much natural health research, experimentation, and successful results over a span of about 15 years or so. My name is Chuck Underwood. I am a 61 year old guy in excellent health. But, I must admit, this has not always been the case. I used to be somewhat overweight, and I had a very weak immune system - due in my opinion by overuse of antibiotics over the span of many years earlier in my life. I developed  chronic bronchitis which hit me a minimum of twice a year, and took a strong dose of antibiotics to overcome. This became unbearable after a couple of years - I could pretty much count on getting sick every fall - it was certain. I knew this was not normal, but I didn't know what, if anything I could possibly do to end it.
Well, you know it's funny how in life sometimes when you are really searching for something that you are intensely interested in finding, it almost magically appears as if from nowhere. That is what happened to me - an acquaintance of mine came up to me and introduced me to a seaweed extract product called Original Limu (Limu is a Tongan word for Seaweed). I, being the skeptical type, (and still am, by the way) needed a good bit of convincing before I finally thought - hey, it won't hurt to at least try it. So I did - and Wow! After the first month of drinking it every day, I was feeling great! After 90 days I was in a much better place - physically and mentally. You see, I feel this is one of the pleasant by-products of gaining your natural health back. You feel great - invigorated - truly alive - like you were alway meant to feel! The story gets even better from there. The next year I was amazed - actually stunned to go through the entire year without even so much as a head cold! The chronic bronchitis that I had been suffering from for the last 5 years, sometimes twice or even three times in one year, was gone. Finished! And I can tell you that even now almost 6 years on - I have still not come down with bronchitis even once. Do you, in all sincerity, really think it could only be a coincidence that that  malady stopped after I had added only one thing in my diet - the Limu seaweed supplements ? That's fine if you do, but you would never be able to convince me of that.
So, that is only one of my "standout" success stories that I will be sharing here - along with other documented stories from other people in the world who have changed their lives for the better by switching to natural alternatives to the big pharma "treat the symptoms" kind of heath care that is blindly followed by so many these days. In my case, treating only the symptoms - by constant use of antibiotics, actually helped to create and then propagate the problem by substantially weakening my immune system to the point that it could not recover itself.

Please visit my website:  and sign up for my newsletter to get regular updates and news relating to how to improve and maintain your own physical and mental health and wellbeing. You can also access a page of awesome links to some of the best natural health products, education, e-books, and more.

Chuck Underwood

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