Saturday, March 15, 2014

Limu Moui - What Is It, and Why is it A Significant Health Supplement?

Limu Moui - What Is It, and Why is it A Significant Health Supplement? 

Hello. Today I am writing about a dietary supplement called Limu Moui (aka Brown Seaweed) that
has been known by a select few - i.e. the native Tongans living on the island of Tonga in the South Pacific - for over 3000 years. It is a well documented fact that the Tongan people have lived virtually disease - free and have a life expectancy that far exceeds those of any other country in the world. What do the Tongans themselves attribute this super - health and longevity to? Limu Moui - the brown Seaweed plant which they have been harvesting from the pristine waters of the Pacific Ocean off the coast of their island.
So, you may be asking, what is it about the seaweed plant Limu Moui that makes it so special? The secret behind it is Fucoidan. Fucoidan is a proven supernutrient enriched in anti-inflammatory
and anti-viral nutrients.Over 1,000 independent studies citing Fucoidan have been published by the likes of The Journal of Molecular Immunology and The British Journal of Pharmacology, and even more are listed by our Nation’s standard - The National Institute of Health on

I feel I can speak about this amazing natural health product with some authority because I have been taking Original Limu every day for the last 9 years - and I must say my overall health has been exceptionally good so far. That was not always the case. In fact, it was my relatively poor overall health, especially yearly bouts with chronic bronchitis that actually led me to finally discover Original Limu through a friend of mine. Reluctant and skeptical at first, I decided to give it a try for the 90 day
period that is recommended by the manufacturer. I actually began to feel some of the benefits almost immediately - increased energy and more restful sleep were two I remember offhand. But the greatest, and totally surprising benefit was the complete cessation of my usually recurring bronchitis which would predictably hit me every fall, and then sometimes again in the spring or summer of the next year.
This was truly a shocking experience for me. I had actually conquered a chronic bacteriological infection without antibiotics! And the way it was conquered was to naturally boost my damaged and weakened immune system using a natural super nutrient found in a sea plant! But the proof was in the pudding. I was not really 100% convinced that it wasn't just a coincidence that I didn't come down with bronchitis that year. So I continued taking the Limu supplement (it comes as a pleasant tasting juice, with 83% of each bottle containing 100% Fucoidan rich Tongan limu) and waited to see what happened the next year. Well, needless to say, Ever since that first year of taking the Limu every day, after 9 years I have still not come down with bronchitis - not once! So I am a now a lifelong convert and enthusiastic advocate of this product simply because I have experienced first hand what it can do.

Here are some of the F.A.Q's published by the Limu Company, manufacturer of Original Limu:

Q: How is the limu harvested and processed?
The unique limu used in LIMU ORIGINAL® is harvested among the islands of the Kingdom of Tonga and is strictly licensed and protected by the Tongan government. The purest form of limu is collected and carefully cleaned in Tonga, then flash-frozen to preserve its freshness. It is then
transported to New Zealand, where it is refined into a unique liquid extract in a government-inspected facility, using our proprietary extraction process. The extract is quality tested and transported to the United States, where it is blended with our proprietary formula into LIMU ORIGINAL®
and bottled for your use.

Q: How does LIMU ensure the quality of LIMU ORIGINAL®?
LIMU has a ten-step quality manufacturing process to ensure that you receive the same standardized quality in every bottle of LIMU ORIGINAL®. It is manufactured according to strict Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards in an FDA-inspected facility. From raw material analysis to final product inspection, every production step is carefully monitored and documented, with full accountability and in-process controls. Each batch of LIMU ORIGINAL® is then thoroughly tested prior to being released for consumption.

Q: What is the advantage of flash pasteurizing LIMU ORIGINAL®?
Our state-of-the-art flash pasteurization process allows us to chill-blend LIMU ORIGINAL®, thereby maintaining the highest levels of nutritional integrity. By comparison, most companies use a pasteurization process that heats the product for extended periods of time, which can destroy
valuable nutrients.

Q:Which additional nutrients are found in LIMU ORIGINAL®?
In addition to the usual vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and antioxidants that you find in fruits and vegetables, LIMU ORIGINAL® provides several other powerful nutrients including polyphenols, glyconutrients (fucose, galactose, mannose and xylose), alginate and Fucoidan. Research indicates it is the presence of Fucoidan that really differentiates LIMU ORIGINAL® from other food supplements. It is important to note that Fucoidan is not found in land-based plants.

By the way - don't be fooled by any of the other Limu or Fucoidan "immitators" out there - and there are many. If you are going to try Limu the only true, correctly harvested and processed one to try is Orignal Limu from the Limu Company. (Click on the "Original Limu" link to go there now).

I hope that helps to de- mystify what Limu Moui is for you. This is a product that I wholeheartedly endorse as a pure, natural wellness product that could, as it did for me, positively change and enhance your health and quality of life.

To Your Health!

Warmest Regards,
Chuck Underwood

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